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2015 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Sep 06


Knowing Christ

Miscellaneous 2015

Philippians 3:7-14 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 45mins


Jesus knows better than we do

Miscellaneous 2015

Luke 5:1-11 Paul G Play Audio Download MP3 27mins

Aug 30


Turning to God

Miscellaneous 2015

Acts 3:19 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 36mins


I am thirsty

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 15:1-17 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 32mins

Aug 23


Looking away from self to God

Miscellaneous 2015

Zechariah 4 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 41mins


I am the true vine

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 15:1-17 Andrew Harland Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 22mins

Aug 16


Saved for good

Miscellaneous 2015

Titus 3 Bobby Jamieson Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins


I am the way, the truth and the life

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 14:6 Chris Akhurst Play Audio Download MP3 33mins

Aug 09


International guest service

Miscellaneous 2015

Luke 15 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 37mins


I am the resurrection and the life

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 11:25 Aaron Hornkohl Play Audio Download MP3 43mins

Aug 02


Prayers God hears

Miscellaneous 2015

Luke 18:1-17 Dave Gobbett Play Audio Download MP3 32mins


I am the good shepherd

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 10:11 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 24mins

Jul 26


Grace for godliness

Miscellaneous 2015

Titus 2 Bobby Jamieson Play Audio Download MP3 38mins


I am the gate

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 10:9 Dr. Dirk Jongkind Play Audio Download MP3 33mins

Jul 19


The life that doesn’t lie

Miscellaneous 2015

Titus 1 Bobby Jamieson Play Audio Download MP3 38mins


I am the light of the world

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 8:12 Gershom Donner Play Audio Download MP3 28mins

Jul 12


The rich young ruler

Miscellaneous 2015

Luke 18:18-34 Steve Levy Play Audio Download MP3 43mins


I am the bread of life

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 6:35 Andy Holt Play Audio Download MP3 31mins

Jul 05


Why Jesus is special

“I AM” - finding out more about who Jesus is

John 8:58 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 28mins

Jun 28


A new life: stepping into the light

Miscellaneous 2015

John 3:1-21 Graham Shearer Play Audio Download MP3 34mins


Discover the real Jesus

Miscellaneous 2015

Mark 2:1-12 Graham Beynon Play Audio Download MP3 26mins

Jun 21


The dangers of answered prayer

Seeing his glory (Isaiah 1-39)

Isaiah 38 - 39 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 36mins


The death wage and the life gift

Single sermons (Romans)

Romans 6:23 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 28mins

Jun 14


Our prayer and the victory of God

Seeing his glory (Isaiah 1-39)

Isaiah 37:8-38 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 43mins


Motivated by the gospel

A passion for the Gospel (Acts 15-20)

Acts 20:13-38 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins
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